Our FND Program
Functional Neurological Disorder (FND for short) is a real health condition and should not be minimised in any way. Children who suffer from FND usually have normal objective examinations and investigation, but their symptoms are present all the same, and impact on their lives significantly.
It is vital that they get the help and support they need as soon as possible. This is a condition where time is of essence. The sooner the interventions are applied, the better the outcome.
For families who are worried their child may have FND symptoms, but no formal diagnosis has been made, we can help too!
Here’s what we offer in our FND Program:
- No wait list
- Split payment plan in 4 instalments
- Initial in-depth consultation: thorough assessment, reassurance, setting smart goals
- Rapid and appropriate investigations where needed*
- Individualised Healthcare Plan
- Health Advice Plan for school (focused on collaborative approach to re-integrate your child back to school)
- In-house physiotherapy – x4 home sessions and graded exercise programme (includes x 2 15minutes update calls with school)
- In-house Sleep Support Plan (x 2 sessions)
- Psychology referrals*
- Follow-on consultant review