Sleep Solution Program

“Sleep is your superpower…it is Mother Nature’s best effort yet at immortality”

Our Sleep Solution Program

Our Sleep Solution Programme is an 8 weeks programme to help reinstate better sleep for child. We know that regular, good quality sleep is necessary for all domains of a child’s physical and mental well-being. It is a non-negotiable health need and is vital for all aspects of a child’s abilities and wellbeing.

Worryingly, sleep difficulties is very common in children and teenagers and can have debilitating consequences on the child and family. This problem is something you should try and fix straight away.

The longer the sleep problem, the more challenging it can be to treat it. You really should not sleep on it!

Here’s what you and your child will get from our Sleep Solutions Programme:

  • No wait list
  • Split payment plan available – split over 4 instalments
  • Pre appointment sleep diary made available on booking
  • 1-hour initial consultation for detailed assessment of your child’s medical and seep problems
  • Bespoke Sleep Plan available within 3 working days after initial consultation
  • Mid-point review call
  • Signposting and escalation plans
  • PRESCRIPTION SLEEP MEDICATION* where necessary to support sleep plans
  • Wrap-around consultation
  • Signposting and escalation plans
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Our Health Solution Programs are self-pay only

If you are an insured patient, we will provide you with clinic letters and payment receipts with which you may be able to claim directly from your Insurer. Please check with them.

ALL Programs are accessible on a Payment Plan

Services marked with * are not included in the fees