You get to choose, because you know your child best.
Well Child Visits
A Well Child Visit is a time to sit down with your Paediatrician and ask about any concerns you may have about your child’s development.
Migraine Clinic
If you are concerned about your child’s headaches or migraines we can assess and rule out sinister causes.
Developmental Assessment
All children develop at different rates, but delays can be signs of underlying issues. If you are worried, we can help.
Seizure Clinic
If you are concerned that your child had or is having seizures or other abnormal movements, please book now.
Health Plans for Schools
If your child is often too unwell to attend school we can help formulate a strategy to get your child back into normal activities.
Gait and Limb Assessment
If you are concerned about your child tripping and falling often, or not keeping up with peers in the playground. We can help.